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Astronomy objects seen from Sweden
May 2018

It's not so easy to find something interesting to look at in May. But one thing is that the planet Jupiter will join company with the Moon 1st and 28nd May.

Jupiter and Moon:

Jupiter and Moon 1st May 2018 (click on the image to get a full resolution photo in a new window)
Credits: CdC, Skychart

Here you can see how far Jupiter travel in its orbit relative the star background. A Jupiter dot for each third day. You also se that the Moon isn't far away from Jupiter the 1st and 28nd this month.

Jupiter and Moon 28nd May 2018 (click on the image to get a full resolution photo in a new window)
Credits: CdC, Skychart

Here is a close up at 28nd May. If you start looking towards south east about 9 pm you should see the Moon and down under Jupiter. You must choose your site carefully because they are very close to the horizon, only 10 degrees. The ten Moon dots are each one hour separated. If you got see Jupiter and follow it for some hours you will see how the Moon goes eastwards of the Moon. You will end in south west direction.

When they are closest to each other the separation is only three degrees..

More information about Jupiter and Moon:

The red ring in the center of the star chart is an indicator of the scale, the outer ring is 4 degrees, the field of view about 45 degrees. The smallest ring in the center is a half degree or 30', that compare to the size of Moon.

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