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Small practical knobs and brackets


  1. Latitude adjuster screw
  2. Cable bracket
  3. Spirit level bracket
  4. Handle and USB HUB label
  5. Sight
  6. Battery bracket
  7. Frame to protect USB3 mini cable
  8. To be continued

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7: Frame to protect USB3 mini cable:

The USB cable and its contact that connect to the camera is in dangerous. Both my Canon 6D and Nikon D800 cameras has the USB connection mounted on the side. It's very easy to hit this contact and broke it in the dark. I must do something to protect the cable contact, especially the USB contact in the camera.

Bracket frame to protect USB3 mini cable contact

This is how it looks like on the Nikon D800 DSLR camera. The USB contact is a USB3 mini. I will built a frame around the contact and I can use the two holes in the chassi to guide it in position.

Bracket frame to protect USB3 mini cable contact

The USB cable has a 90 degree angled contact. Even then it protrude far away from the camera.

Bracket frame to protect USB3 mini cable contact

This is my first outcast to a frame to place around the contact.

Bracket frame to protect USB3 mini cable contact

The 3D-printed bracket frame. All dimensions was correct already at the first version.

Bracket frame to protect USB3 mini cable contact

The USB contact squeezed into the bracket frame.

Bracket frame to protect USB3 mini cable contact

Inserted into the camera. Now nothing can smash into from the top and destroy the camera. But sideways it could.

Bracket frame to protect USB3 mini cable contact

Looking at the design once more, can I use this bracket at the arrow ? If I prolong the frame so it reach this bracket I can have a small screw to stabilize it and it will be even better protected.

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